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The Adventures of Patson and Findus

Welcome to Petson and Findus Manor! Here you will see chickens, cows and all kinds of mice. But you won't be able to see the bald one, because Findus chased him away. Together with grandfather and a clever cat, you...

Різдво у Петсона

Grandpa Patson and cat Findus went to clean up before Christmas. And they coped with almost everything. All that was left was to take care of the Christmas tree and the holiday table. And that's when something should have happened....

Петсон, Фіндус і торт на іменини

Incredible, full of fiction story about how to bake a birthday cake for a cat that celebrates its birthday three times a year. There is a lot of warmth, tenderness and a surprisingly cheerful view of the world. The Swedish...

Казка полювання на лиса

Diduño Petson, his cat Findus and several chickens live in a rural village. One day a neighbor comes to them and says that he is going to hunt a fox. What Patson and Findus think about this and how they...

Петсон, Фіндус і переполох на городі

It was a fine spring morning. Birds sang in each bush, grass grew, covered with tree leaves, and small insects flew, crawled and fluttered everywhere. Cat Findus faded around and killed the beetles. Grandpa Patson stood in the garden, examining...

Різдвяний гном

"You can't promise too much," Grandpa Patson thought more than once when he promised Findus's cat that a Christmas dwarf would come to them on Christmas Eve. "There are no dwarves in the world." But then, secretly from the cat,...

Коли Петсон сумує

"I'm in a bad mood and I want to be calm," says Patson. Cat Findus stares at Patson's grandfather. He must have never seen him so angry. "I have to come up with something to entertain him," Findus thinks. -...

Do you know Patson and Findus?

Between the fields on the meadows there is a small manor house. Grandpa Petson and the cat Findus live there. Once Findus invented a game. He hid things for Patson to find. It was not easy for Petson, but Findus...

Як Фіндус загубився

Diduno Petson lives with his chickens in a rural village. He feels very lonely. One day, his neighbor Beda Anderson comes to him with a picture box. It is written in large letters: "FINDUS GREEN PEAS". But there were no...

Де це Петсон?

Findus drew a picture for Patson. But where is Patson? Findus asks everyone he meets, and neither chickens nor mice can answer that question.

Петсон, Фіндус і намет

And again on stage, a favorite of millions of children and parents Sven Nordquist! In this fairy tale you will find yourself in an ordinary Swedish village, where an UNUSUAL Swedish grandfather and a SUPER UNUSUAL Swedish cat are in...

Як дідусь шукав капелюха

Haven't you forgotten Patson's grandfather and Findus' cat? Still! They just can't be forgotten! But this book is not about them, but about another grandfather. That he never took his hat off. But one morning that hat ... disappeared. While...

What can you do, Petson?

Findus can do many things. And what is Patson capable of? The cat offers the grandfather to compete. And here it becomes clear what Patson is unsurpassed in. Undoubtedly.

Фіндус іде з дому

Patson was tired of waking up at four o'clock every morning. The thing is, Findus woke him up so early when he went to bed. Patson asks the cat to stop galloping, otherwise they will have to move the bed...

With Findus all year round

With Findus all year round - month after month!We grew flowers, did experiments with plants, baked pies, looked closely at small insects and worms, built a house and much, much more.Little Sarah Tustra of the mouse family, who lives in...

Petson and Findus. What do you know about the seasons?

Learn more about the seasons with Petson and Findus!The inventive grandfather and his clever cat offer you original fun tasks, thanks to which you will be able to learn not only the characteristic signs of each season, but also the...

A minute of rooster corn

Didugno Petson has ten chickens in his coop. Findus the cat always teases them and they chase each other. After Petson, chickens are Findus' best friends. But one day Patson brings a rooster for the chickens. "Look, we've got a...


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